Finally, on May 26, 2017, I proudly donned my cap and gown, signifying my well-deserved graduation! It’s been a journey filled with tears, pain, wounds, discrimination, and criticism, but I emerged stronger than ever. I offer my heartfelt gratitude to the Lord for granting me the strength to persevere and complete what I started. I extend my deepest appreciation to all those who supported me throughout my thesis journey. My family, in particular, served as a constant source of motivation and inspiration. Cavite State University, you’ve played an integral role in shaping me into the well-rounded and educated woman...
I’m soooo in love with this yummy delicious frappe from Lago.
I had the wonderful opportunity to visit a charming Korean Cafe in Molito, where I got to savor a...
Greetings to my dear blog! I apologize for my recent inactivity as I’ve been preoccupied with schoolwork and various requirements. However, I have exciting news to share – I’ve successfully obtained my degree. I am now a degree holder, and I’m incredibly grateful to the Lord for seeing me through this journey. I regret not being able to post about “How to pass an undergraduate thesis defense” earlier, so I’d like to share some valuable insights here. So, how can you excel in your undergraduate thesis defense? These five tips were instrumental in my successful undergraduate thesis defense. Mastering...
They say that a thesis defense is supposed to be a joyful occasion, free from fear, nervousness, or any...