Today is an important day for me. I will never forget this day and cherish it for the rest of my life! Backstory I started transitioning my career during the pandemic while managing my family business. I researched and upskilled. My dream is to work in tech. Work from home with your PC/laptop and working. It’s fun and exciting because I came from a working environment that needs to be physically present, shifting, and do over time. At first, I was ok with it, but I knew this was not what I wanted. That’s the reason I pursue my dream job. I know it’s risky because I need to start from scratch again, but it’s ok. I know I can do this! When I was in high school, I was sure that I wanted a computer career. I love computers! That’s my favourite subject and the organization I joined back then. We call our group “Charle’s Babbage Club.” I don’t know. It sounds weird now, but back then, it was awesome, hahaha. Challenges After graduation, …