All posts tagged: dailyprompt

My First Week as a UX Researcher

Tell us about your first day at something — school, work, as a parent, etc. This question resonated with me because I never got to share my experience of the first day as a UX Researcher, not even during my first job at a tech company. I’ll divide my answer into two parts: first, my experience with my first job at an agency, and second, my most recent and current role at a product company. Qairos Asia My first week as a UX Researcher felt like a dream come true. I was nervous, overwhelmed, and questioning: Did I make it? One of the main reasons I struggle with confidence when socializing is my fear and hesitation to feel comfortable around others again. This started during the pandemic when lockdowns forced us into isolation. At the time, I managed our small family business and did side hustles remotely, with minimal interaction beyond my family. This lack of social engagement significantly impacted my ability to connect with others and took a toll on my mental health, especially …