How to Build A Better Learning Plan?
Before you start doing what you love or want to pursue, you must first build a better plan. Creating a better strategy/method is one of the most critical success factors. Setting a goal is a good skill because you know what, where, when, and how to start. You are urging to accomplish and reward yourself after finishing your creation. You are more prepared and motivated because you know which path to take. Honestly, when I was in college, I was unaware of these things. I’m that person who follows what life can offer. My daily tasks are usually what a day might bring to me. I don’t have plans, to-do lists, schedules, or even an idea of how I will spend a day. Maybe that’s the reason why I barely completed my tasks. I usually forget some essential things to do because I don’t have a plan, and it sucks because I often mislead my priorities in a day, weeks, months, and even years! As time went by, I started noting my tasks using an …