Vlogging as an Introvert
Yesterday, I decided to change my username on YouTube. I want to use kimarodri or kimarodriguez (if not taken) as my username for all my social media platforms. For personal branding, consistency is essential and for other people to easily remember me. As I was about to change, I opened my YouTube account and saw my old videos. I have two shorts and one regular video. This video is like a “vlog” that I uploaded four years ago. Vlogs were very popular at that time. By doing this so-called, Watsons Haul. I was shocked that I did it and joined the trend. I’m an introvert. I know that I am not confident about showing my face, recording, or doing anything. But I find it fun that I managed to experience vlogging. I am forever grateful and happy that I did. At least I have something to look back lol. I shared this with my friends. They all laughed. It seemed like they didn’t expect me to do that, hahaha.